As seen in the media and news bulletins, relentless rain across the Cairns region (Queensland) has resulted in significant damage from flooding. This event has arisen following the landfall of Tropical Cyclone Jasper across the region. Such rainfall has now eased as the system has now weakened.
The system was so slow moving or barely moved for days and as a result, some of the cumulative rainfall totals were incredible. Some of the more exceptional rainfall to occur includes:
- 24 hours to 9 am Sunday 17 December:
- Bairds - 870 mm.
- Diwan - 829 mm.
The media has reported that the two figures represent the third and fourth wettest day recorded anywhere in Australia, however this should be read carefully as demonstrated below.

Crohamhurst (Queensland) on February 3 1893
It is claimed that 907 mm fell at Crohamhurst (Queensland) on February 3 1893 but the figure is the subject of much doubt due to evidence of inaccurate observation errors being made. As such, the figure of 1893 should not be relied upon.
Bellenden Kerr in Queensland
On the 4 and 5 January 1979, it is known that Bellenden Kerr in Queensland (Elevation 1,545 metres) recorded 1,947 mm across 2 days at this manual recording station. It is suggested that 1,140 mm of that fell on the 4th January.
The problem identified is that the 1,947 mm is the cumulative two day reading and nobody was around to verify the recording on the 4th. There is also evidence of the recording apparatus being compromised.
The 1,140 mm over one day is in doubt.
Finch Hatton Queensland
An accurate recording of 878 mm was made on the 18 February 1958 west of Mackay which appears accurate.
If this is taken as the wettest verified single day anywhere across Australia, then the 870 mm at Bairds would count as the second wettest day based on accurate records.
- Cumulative rainfall throughout the whole event 13 to the 18 December 2023 include:
- 2,118 mm at Bairds.
- 2,025 mm at Yola.
The figures for the event exceed the entire average yearly rainfall of Darwin being 1,726.8 mm (Median) and 1,698.3 mm (mean) and Cairns being 1,999.8 mm (Median) and 1,960.8 mm (mean).

During the event, Cairns City (Cairns Racecourse) received 880 mm for a total of 2,730 mm to date for 2023 to 9 am Saturday 23 December 2023.
I have attached the cumulative rainfall for North East Queensland for the week ending Saturday 23 December 2023 showing what occurred as well as two impressive satellite photos taken off Zoom Earth (NASA).