
Your floods have been extensive and we are still hearing of the aftermath. Further, the insurance companies are doing their best to distance themselves from claims given the 'rise' of the flash flood. I understand it is a business but all insurance companies have insurance. Paying out in regions where they should and are entitled to do should be a priority. It is a disgrace. They just test the waters to see how many claimants fight back - most won't or simply cannot afford to. It is a viscious game they play in every natural disaster. I have heard that even down here that claims with no frills versions of insurance even through the banks are not paying out damaged roof tiles in the western Sydney hailstorm because it was declaired a natural disaster area. How pathetic! And you guessed it - those that could not afford it once again miss out.

Anyway, we continue on a spree of no rainfall - it is really stunting the growth of grass here being on a hill. Any extended period without rainfall can be assured that things will begin to go from green to yellow. Some storms and showers are anticipated over the next few days.


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