On this day 9th December 2007
Today is the 13th Anniversary of the Blacktown supercell hailstorm where I got clobbered with >8cm hail confirmed and measured in the same spot by Jeff Brislane after I was there.
It caused millions of dollars damageI continued to chase this storm with a new storm or updraft neat Toukley with golf balls.

Front and back yards was like thick with ice.. most properties suffered through that storm.
I think James Harris was there too
That’s when you know you were in a “fun chase” 😂😂😂
I think that also hit Castle Hill pretty bad!
Harley Pearman has a picture from Norwest of a wall cloud showing a more classic supercell structure near Blacktown
Yes I remember this storm well and how I covered the event up at Bella Vista.
One of my favourites and the hail falling. This event caused about $461 million in damage but given that insurances loses are usually 30% under quoted including people not taking out correct levels of insurance, one can be comfortable that the cost of this storm was around $591 million. At that time, this event made it into the top 10 costliest hail events globally but that has been supplanted by more recent and more costlier events.
This occurred around about the time Lana, myself and the twins moved to Adelaide. I remember having a farewell party with yourself and Jeff either for lunch that day or the previous evening. Certainly was a beast of a storm.
Love the photos bud👍