Downstream from Warragamba Dam and Nepean River junction after it began to spill - you could hear the roar of the torrent of the water rapid movement....
2021-03-20 22:18:26

Downstream from Warragamba Dam and Nepean River junction after it began to spill - you could hear the roar of the torrent of the water rapid movement.

Nb so is this what it was like in the 1950s wet period. And the 1978 flood which I missed being in Melbourne triggered my interest in weather.

5 thought on “Downstream from Warragamba Dam and Nepean River junction after it began to spill – you could hear the roar of the torrent of the water rapid movement….”
  1. Jimmy – My wife and I tried to go here here this afternoon however the roads were too dangerous to drive on, SES personell were watching this closely just south of Penrith and the road closure was imminent at that time.

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