One year ago beauty

Started the day near Penrith and headed leisurely to Oberon. First storms of the day - one took shape and intensified. After gett...
2021-12-27 11:35:24

One year ago beauty

Started the day near Penrith and headed leisurely to Oberon. First storms of the day - one took shape and intensified. After getting hailed on (up to golf balls) made my way to Lithgow. This was treacherous - slippery roads, hydro-planing, and hail early on in Oberon. Rain was heavy but I got through to a beautiful storm structure SW of Lithgow as it took on supercell characteristics. After taking a few shots here of structure and base, got hailed on in Lthgow including birds cowering under low shrubs due to the hail!

Made my way to intercept the Sydney supercell but was unimpressed with the weakening cell so went to measure hail in the Putty Road. There was two kilometres of hail drifts up… More
