Dave Croan and I watched the footage from the El Reno tornado and were simply amazed at how close the massive circulation was and the violent rotation, rotating curtains and the Sheriff that took off to the south! Does anyone know what happened to this Sheriff and his vehicle i.e. did he make it in time?
Does anyone know what happened to this Sheriff in the El Reno tornado? To this day, I am still wandering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl-SqGD83a8
Good question Jimmy. I never heard of any police officer getting killed or injured, so I will infer that he/she escaped. Could he/she have turned left on the next side road, taken a road parallel to you, and (fortunately!) avoided 'the monster' ?
Did doesn't look good in that video. You quickly see that tail lights heading towards the tornado…..
Whoever headed south at that stage were in trouble due to the shear size of this thing! Actually, at an angular view of 40 degrees you can see the dark rotating rain bands an hidden major vortex behind it! Even if the officer had tried to go east the time lost in slowing down and speeding up – pretty drastic. Michael Thomas, you said you heard the windows were blown in on a sheriff vehicle.
I almost ate noobs waffles that day https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/998606_10151670988233769_384197838_n.jpg?oh=fa8ebf2893416af77e651a08a8432ca5&oe=54727360&__gda__=1416076979_d610664198f53ce67b99b13b1dee8dfa