Storms Lithgow and Wollemi 22nd December 2012

1222jd01I had lost the opportunity to chase near Lithgow which was my target as my step daughter called in to work! When I realised without notice she was able to get the bus home, I was too lazy to chase Lithgow! I made an effort to chase the storm heading for Putty from Lithgow. It put up a nice clean structure. But it eventually weakened.

I was intent on returning home but just in case took the long way home! I mean via Bilpin! I took a look at the exploding storms near Lithgow after missing a closer look at the Jenolan activity. I could hear some very loud thunder in the distance from 20 to 30 km distance line of sight. I did not pursue the activity as it would have been catch up time!1222jd11 1222jd19 1222jd25 1222jd34 1222jd40

6 thought on “Storms Lithgow and Wollemi 22nd December 2012”
  1. Being limited due to Christmas party activities and celebrations, I managed to photograph a storm cell over the Blue Mountains late Saturday afternoon just prior to that end of year party celebration. The photos I took are taken from Faulconbridge looking in a westerly direction. After I took these, the cell went into decline. I did photograph good sharp photogenic anvil cloud. I heard the ocassional distant thunderclap but did not see any lightning strikes. This storm did not last long.

  2. Jimmy, I was taking these between 4.20 pm and 5.30 pm looking west and south west. As I am at Faulconbridge, I would put this one near Jenolan. This one did not get into the Wollemi area. There was another cell just north of it. As this one (Jenolan storm) approached the northern storm, the storm simply went into decay.

  3. Nice pics guys. Shame no one got onto the line that moved towards Mudgee and the Gulgong cell.. would have been potentially an awesome night for lightning! Was a bit of tree damage around Gulgong on the way home too.

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