Storm chaser news weather DVD DVDs photos pictures videos severe weather tornado tornadoes storm DVD DVDs video videos movie movies storm chase tours storm chasing storm chaser thunderstorm lightning hail hailstone photos pictures photographs Chasers Australia Australian Thunderstorms pictures picture photos photographs

The Storm Chaser and Australian Storm Chasing site - severe weather in Australia New updated Website link by Jimmy Deguara

Australian Severe Weather Forum for storm chasers and weather enthusiasts

What is the purpose of storm chasing?

  • I am able to get to, observe and study more severe thunderstorms this way.
  • To photograph and video important features of severe storms in particular. These features include wall clouds, tornadoes, hailstones, very heavy rain and violent winds.
  • To get to see the countryside around New South Wales and Australia - areas that I may otherwise never visit!
  • The favourite storms chased by Australian storm chasers are supercells but these are not as dynamic as supercells observed in the United States tornado Alley. This is why I like to chase each year in the US for a getter chance of observing tornados.
  • Research: It would be ideal to be able to warn people of approaching severe storms. Through studies of various storms experienced in a variety of regions, I am in the position to educate others about the dangers of severe storms.
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  • Hailstorm Forecasting - Forecasts of Hail Storms

  • News about weather and storms by Jimmy Deguara

  • Information about hail dents and repairs by Jimmy Deguara

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