Once in a confortable position with respect to the storm, I usually get the time to shoot video and take photographs. Each storm chaser is different - some prefer simply to enjoy the atmosphere. Personally, I like to have video and photographs even for research or entertainment purposes - they make good memories. When on the chase, you may have limited opportunities. Nevertheless, once you have achieved your position in relation to a storm, it is like a bull fight - you seem in control and just working with this atmospheric violence.
When the storm chase is complete - the storm begins to die or lose features, move into an inaccessible area or I am are required to return home, then I call off the chase. I could remain into the night hours to take lightning photography and video or simply let the storm go and cherish the memories of what was achieved. Of course, there are those days when you go back with no catch! Storm chasers refer to stormless chases as 'busts'. This is just one of the many terms coined by storm chasers as jargon.

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