Severe Storms Western Sydney 1st October 2021
More instability across eastern NSW with severe storms developing about midday over the Blue Mountains and SW of Sydney. for several hours the storms developed west of Warragamba and moved southeast. Gradually outflow began to force the boundary slowly east. The development of storms also progressed towards Penrith and finally moved across the Sydney basin. Initially, the air was dry across the metropolitan area feeding into the storms meaning bases were slightly higher although consolidated. As the outflow boundary relocated eastwards, moisture did feed into the new storms.
The first cell SW of Glenmore Park did develop reasonable base structure though it lacked instability - the wind shear pushing over. This cell followed by another moved southeast. As the boundary consolidated over the lower Blue Mountains, cells became more organised but outflow dominant. The third more significant cell produced hail over Glenmore Park. The outflow though eventually pushed the activity near Blacktown which eventually pushed towards the coast.