The period between the 8 and 12 of March 2021 has been active and rain / showers and storms have been a feature across large areas of eastern New South Wales. Storms have impacted Sydney on at least 2 days during this period being Monday afternoon with the area between Penrith and Blacktown being impacted the most and Friday afternoon with southern Sydney being impacted.

Rain and storms have featured across wide areas and some of the more significant events include:-
8 March 2021
Penrith to Blacktown Storm event - While the storm was embedded within existing cloud, this storm that traversed the Penrith to Blacktown region produced the occasional cloud to ground lightning including two cloud to ground strikes that occurred well ahead of the main storm core.

This storm produced peak wind gusts of 78 km/h at Penrith and a peak rainfall intensity of 13.4 mm between 4.25 pm and 4.30 pm (An intensity that exceeded 2 mm per minute). This storm impacted Blacktown and produced strong to gale force winds (Downbursts) and short but sharp heavy bursts of rain. Erskine Park recorded 23 mm followed by Penrith where 18.2 mm. The area around Blacktown had between 12 and 16 mm of rain.

The photos attached to this post are taken as the storm was approaching from the west.
This storm went into rapid decline as it passed over the Parramatta area.

Taree - A significant thunderstorm impacted the town which resulted heavy rainfall of up to 45 mm to 5.35 pm. At 5.01 pm, the rain gauge had registered 7.2 mm. However, by 5.10 pm, the rain gauge had recorded 29.2 mm. This is a fall of 22 mm in 9 minutes or just over 2 mm per minute.
The local weather station recorded peak wind gusts of 78 km/h during the peak of the storm.

11 March 2021
Cowra - The town was impacted by a significant event which resulted in 48 mm falling with 29.2 mm falling in 1 hour between 3.30 pm and 4.30 pm.
Wagga Wagga - A rain / storm event saw 27.4 mm of rain fall.
12 March 2021
Goulburn (Gundowringa) (NW of Goulburn) - A rain / storm event saw a fall of 64 mm at this location.
Wingen - For the 24 hours to 9 am, 62 mm of rain fell.
Oberon - For the 24 hours to 9 am, 58 mm of rain fell.
Orange - For the 24 hours to 9 am, 52 mm of rain fell.
Other significant falls include Ben Bullen 55 mm and Newbridge 53 mm.
Southern Sydney - At least two storm cells have impacted the coastal suburbs close to the airport and Cronulla which has seen rainfall totals top 45 mm at Little Bay and 42 mm at Marrickville Golf Club.
Sydney’s Observatory Hill recorded 20 mm of rain between 7.30 pm and 8.10 pm with a total of 25.6 mm falling.
Wallis Lakes (Pacific Palms) on the lower North Coast recorded 104 mm of rain.
The last photo attached to this post is showing one of the storm cells just after sunset looking east.

There have been other similar events across the Hunter Valley, North Coast, North West Slopes and Central Tablelands during this period. Generally only the far west and south west of New South Wales have missed out on this event.