New Years Day Wednesday 1 January 2025 was spent undertaking a storm chase from Sydney all the way south to a rural locality north of Araluen. The locality is generally west northwest of Batemans Bay but within the escarpment and upper hills of the coastal ranges of New South Wales inland from the coast.

Weather models were consistent and showing the development of showers and thunderstorms, at least within the coastal hills and ranges. Such storms were expected to be assisted by the southeast wind change moving north along the coast.

The storm chase route taken by Jimmy and myself is highlighted within the attached plot prepared using Google Earth Experimental. The distance traveled was 651 km and included the rural localities of Nerriga, Braidwood and Reidsdale.

Coastal storms Wednesday 1 January 2025 Sydney to Araleun New South Wales.
Using Google Earth Experimental, the storm chase plot and route taken showing the locations were photos were taken of storm events.

This proved to be a difficult and challenging storm chase day as the expected storm events did not eventuate. Weak thunderstorms were observed north and east of Nerriga and again south of Reidsdale on the south easterly wind change. Overall, this was a disappointing chase.

Storms struggled due to dry air and where any cumulonimbus cloud tower did form, the cell was short lived and collapsed. Photos were taken where possible of the strongest cells.





Interestingly, after sunset, conditions improved. As we were driving back from Goulburn along the Hume Freeway, a stronger thunderstorm cell developed within a rural area near Hilltop and south of Appin.

Coastal storms Wednesday 1 January 2025 Sydney to Araleun New South Wales.
North east of Nerriga, a weak thunderstorm cloud develops. The cloud tower glaciates and a visible base is shown. The cell was short lived.
Coastal storms Wednesday 1 January 2025 Sydney to Araleun New South Wales.
A developing storm cell near Araleun and looking south. The cell formed on the south east wind change. Again, the cell was weak and short lived.












Near Oran Park, we found a suitable site to photograph and film cloud to ground lightning strikes from the storm cells that formed late evening. The cells went out to sea over Wollongong. We salvaged something from our storm chase by spending some time documenting the lightning strikes from such storms.

Coastal storms Wednesday 1 January 2025 Sydney to Araleun New South Wales.
Another storm cell tries to develop but also weak. Same locality near Araleun.












The images attached highlight the storms that formed. The nighttime lightning provided a more enjoyable spectacle especially given that one positive lightning strike emanating from the top part of the cloud tower to the ground was captured by both of us.

Coastal storms Wednesday 1 January 2025 Sydney to Araleun New South Wales.
At nighttime looking south east from Oran Park, thunderstorms develop around Appin then track out to sea over Wollongong. A positive cloud to ground strike emanating from the top part of the cloud tower.
Coastal storms Wednesday 1 January 2025 Sydney to Araleun New South Wales.
Cloud to ground strikes were a feature of this storm as the cell crossed the coast. Looking south east from Oran Park.
Coastal storms Wednesday 1 January 2025 Sydney to Araleun New South Wales.
Another image. The storm produced regular bolts especially between 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm.