2023-07-04 20:21:11
Jimmy Deguara in one of the many TV interviews over the years! This was a live interview in early 2011 on Sunday morning Sunrise. I also appeared with Jeff Piotrowski who was crossing live from the US after he
intercepted the Joplin disastrous tornado! I also appeared appeared in many TV programs and documentaries including Sixty Minutes, A Current Affair, Today Tonight, Totally Wild, and National Geographic.
Hey, I know that handsome dude! <3
Hey i know that bloke
When was this jimmy
Wow…you’re famous Jimmy Deguara..
my handsome brother-in-law :)
Can I get ur autograph!
Way to go Jummy
Can’t wait to see u agin here in the states Very nice !
why is it I read through the text below your cranium as “the anvil shield appeal”
How weird, I dreamt about you last night. Lol
Sorry this was a few years ago and I was being interviewed live with an interview Jeff Piotrowski just after he had intercepted Joplin!
Och, Jimmy! *lifts a VB in respect*
Thanks Lisa!
I actually enjoyed the interview because I was picked up by taxis expenses paid interview paid and then taxied home!