Storm damage in Cambridge Park from supercell on 8.11.2012

Storm Damage that occurred in Cambridge Park yesterday 8th November 2012. Some substantial damage from trees being felled as well as some falling into houses causing serious damage to house structures.

7 thought on “Storm damage in Cambridge Park from supercell on 8.11.2012”
  1. WOW! Colin, you did an excellent job in documenting the seriousness of the damage in the area. We hope everyone will be ok and that people can recover from this. Very little coverage from the media in this natural disaster in Sydney!

  2. thanks jimmy, spoke to alot of people after this storm which were mainly all friends just to see the shock,fear,and looks on peoples faces was upsetting . could not believe the amount of damage, those pics i took just shows some of the damage i could of taken another fifty shots through out the area of heaps more. in the first pic there was a bloke trapped in his car with live power lines down,and a friend of mine was driving near the area while the storm was passing and saw a metal roundabout sign fly past his bonnet a second or two earlier could of been dead, i think people wont forget this storm in a hurry , it was a crazy storm with over 100klm down draft

  3. Exactly my point Jeff! Did anyone complete a damage survey from other areas? I have yet to hear what occurred in the other areas near Liverpool from this event.

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