Chased the Southern Tablelands and fater initially targetting further south near Marulan that the deeper moisture was further north with slightly less shear. Heading back towards Picton, I was able to circumnavigate the first main cell which was to become a supercell. It exploded complete with backshear. Trying to get in front for great contrast meant I went all the way to near Bulli and had no choice but to head up Picton Road through the now supercell! The southern side shear was spectacular as well and I experienced most likely up to 3cm hailstones. But I made it back to the northern portion and western portion of developing cells and original cell core punched. I noted after some time that radar did not seem to fit the development so I quickly headed north realising that outflow had prompted the development of another cell on the forward flank near Campbelltown. After quick shots of the base here, I was into the Sydney suburbs and made it in front near the Georges River in between trees for some timelapse. Noting this storm eventually was lining and bowing out (and it rapidly weakened), I was back heading SW towards Appin for another cell. But it began to collapse after being severe warned! Another cell was heading towards Bowral and Moss Vale. I noted the base and new development on the northern side and maintained position. Alas a split on radar! Jeff Brislane arrived and we moved to a position only 2km south and when we arrived, the supercell had just illuminated its classical supercell structure! Timelapse was again in order. Some nice lightning bolts and anvil crawlers occurred from this cell but it was the structure and rotation that was evident that made for an excellent end to the day! It has been the year for the Southern Tablelands to fire in the second season ( or was it the first!)

Good score jimmy,what more could you ask for with the season coming to an end
Good score jimmy,what more could you ask for with the season coming to an end
Excellent photos and report Jimmy. From here in Parramatta that Picton storm certainly had some great structure with boiling updrafts , and showing some nice tiered features as it gusted out.
The following shots show the wonderful tiered bow out as the storm decayed
Fantastic shots there everyone!
Jimmy, good you got some photos of the Sydney storm. I had issues pulling up for photos, and I took heathcote road and got stuck in the core, getting some hard 2cm stones. Had a nice shelfy on it!
Also got the Appin storm
On sunset i made my way back to Picton and got onto the supercell
I tried to get closer to the storm, but it fell apart and views became shoddy. However, seems I got the same lightning bolt as you Jimmy with the CG!
I am going to post this photo of the supercell from Castlereagh Road just north of Penrith. I was with Colin and shot this image looking south east. In addition to the visible base, the updraft tower is impressive and so is the anvil. I struggled to get this into the frame but while other chasers were under it, we were on a separate storm that had a very interesting base. We had excellent visibility of the supercell looking south and south east. The updraft tower was solid and maintained it structure and shape for some time.
Here is one more image. Th updraft towers were incredible and solid. This was not our target storm but it certainly made an impression in the sky for much of the afternoon.
Hi guys, the supercell structure covered is quite impressive and good to see different phases of the supercell including the explosive updrafts! Harley were this updrafts of the initial supercell of the redeveloped one after it passed over Campbelltown? I am thinking the former. I can tell you very rarely do you egg opportunities to go right around a supercell and are able to egg out in front again!
Hi guys, the supercell structure covered is quite impressive and good to see different phases of the supercell including the explosive updrafts! Harley were this updrafts of the initial supercell of the redeveloped one after it passed over Campbelltown? I am thinking the former. I can tell you very rarely do you egg opportunities to go right around a supercell and are able to egg out in front again!
Con, that is a rounded base – where was the supercell at that stage ie on radar? Your updraft explosion seems to be at the same time as Harley's too.
Con, that is a rounded base – where was the supercell at that stage ie on radar? Your updraft explosion seems to be at the same time as Harley's too.
I will be posting time lapse tonight – I am half way through out!
I will be posting time lapse tonight – I am half way through out!
Ben the shot of the base is similar to mine – you may have been fuether north near Appin – I was virtually under it. I basically got going and only stopped briefly when I realised visually 20 minutes ahead of radar that it was transitioning into a new cell!!
Ben the shot of the base is similar to mine – you may have been fuether north near Appin – I was virtually under it. I basically got going and only stopped briefly when I realised visually 20 minutes ahead of radar that it was transitioning into a new cell!!
By the way the shot I have in the report of the supercell with river in foreground was shot under a tree – not something I recommend with winds picking up as the supercell was becoming linear and bowing out. I had one eye on the storms and glimpses on branches etc – it was a pain but I had little choice in this area.
By the way the shot I have in the report of the supercell with river in foreground was shot under a tree – not something I recommend with winds picking up as the supercell was becoming linear and bowing out. I had one eye on the storms and glimpses on branches etc – it was a pain but I had little choice in this area.
Awesome pics and reports everyone ,possibly the best supercell for the season for our region
Awesome pics and reports everyone ,possibly the best supercell for the season for our region
The images I took are of the initial supercell between 2 and 4 pm. These are some of the best explosive updrafts I have seen here. They were constant and sustained as well.
Added the video of the Picton supercell on this report.
Added the video of the Picton supercell on this report.
Awesome time lapse jimmy
Awesome time lapse jimmy
Incredible report and pictures Jimmy!
Incredible report and pictures Jimmy!
I’ve included a couple of timelapse videos of the Picton storm ,the first one with the explosive updrafts and the 2nd with the outflow decay .