Went to watch the movie "Into the Storm" with my friends Dave and Ray. After hearing from others' perspectives - I went with low expectations. I was pleasantly surprised by the plot and the special effects which in my opinion was better than twister. The plot obviously is based on Oklahoma once again Twister was in northern Oklahoma. The favourite was the wedge tornado in my opinion and in some cases how tornadic funnels descended from a wall cloud. The wall cloud was not there from memory in Twister. Both Twister and Into the storm though lost their way in the stratocumulus as a backdrop - there is so much footage that real supercell footage could have been used.
Some negatives I did not like once more were the several tornadoes and how close people got to the tornado being down the road tearing up buildings and not even bothering to get under cover or safety until it tore something across the road or threw a car nearby! I also did not like the fire being sucked right up into the tornado but that's Hollywood! Finally, the rope out of the tornado was too quick from wedge but I guess there is a somewhat time limitations in the movie. There seems to be some similarities in terms of humour with the "exciting guys" chasing the tornado. I guess their component was the Facebook / Youtube with many likes. Finally from dissipating to hailstorm and tornado in minutes is fairly non-realistic!
Of course you can't beat the real thing.
Nice scene for a graphic. I also liked the fact that this movie included the news media in helicopters and back to base news live reporting!